Reutlinger Senior Center

December 28, 2021

After another respite caused by the Covid pandemic, the EBBC strummers were thrilled to have the opportunity to perform for the residents of the Reutlinger Senior Center between Christmas and New Years this year. Thirteen fully masked and vaccinated club members braved the risk of the new Omicron variant of Covid-19 to bring some happiness to our enthusiastic friends and residents of the Senior center. We were warmly and graciously received by all!

Participants included Ardie Jarrett, Bud Pearce, Chris Doan, Chris Lardge, Deb Hodson, Don Granberg, Larry Risner, Linda Meyers, Paul Mack, Philip Myers, Rich Combs, and Slavka & Jan Ruzickar.

Our beloved fans Marilee and Bobbie Landers also participated as our cheerleaders in the audience!