Rossmoor Red Hatters Playout

By:  Karen Hefter
Photos by:  Bob Nelson

The East Bay Banjo Club performed in the beautiful Fireside Room at Rossmoor in Walnut Creek for the Red Hat Club’s monthly luncheon.  The audience was wonderfully attired in purple dresses with red hats (except for those who were dressed in red dresses with purple hats to reflect that it was their birthday month).  The “Queen Bee” started off the program by reciting a poem and leading everyone in song.  Then she turned the event over to the EBBC, led by Jack Convery for this occasion. Jack started out by giving the audience some background history about the banjo and he kicked off the playing with “The Banjo Picker’s Ball,” which the club played with gusto.  For the rest of the show, Jack invited each player to select their favorite song for the group to play.  Jack Convery, Kit Nelson, and Mickie McDonald sang throughout the program.  Both Jesse DeTorres and Bud Pearce belted out their best impressions of Al Jolson to the point where you would have thought Al was in the room!  Dina Melamed and Don Granberg were featured on their washboards in “Coney Island Washboard” and David Hefter, the third washboard player, was shy and played while staying in his second row seat.  Other players were:  Guy Black, Betty David, Karen Hefter, Ardie Jarrett, Bob Malucelli, Diane Malucelli, Herb Moore, Linda Myers, Phil Myers, and Ken WilliamsonBob Nelson took pictures and loyal club member Georgette DeTorres was present in the audience.

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Fourth of July Parade, Orinda, CA

By: “Washbored Don” Granberg
Photos by: Linda Myers and Edward Hefter

Wow! It’s hard to believe that the year is half over. The 4th of July parade in Orinda was a lot of fun. We milled around the parking lot in the morning and enjoyed pastries until the truck and finally the straw bales arrived, as arranged by Bobbie Landers. Edward Hefter, Bob Malucelli, Phil Myers, and another hunk loaded the hay on the truck and we all helped to decorate the float. Herb Moore, Karen Hefter, Mickie McDonald, Linda and Phil Myers, Bob and Diane Malucelli, Ardie Jarrett, Chris Lardge, Dick Neuman, and Don Granberg played their hearts out on the songs selected by Betty David, our leader for this performance, and the beat was kept by Guy Black. We followed Boy Scouts, old cars, a Dixieland band, and a number of other groups through Old Orinda Crossroads and then through Orinda Village. Our newest member, David Hefter, helped keep the beat by playing his washboard. Although new to the EBBC, his amazing memory allowed him to play along with all of the songs without looking at any music! We all played in the heat until our fingers were numb and nearly melted. It was a lot of fun and everyone who participated had a great time. We would like to give a big “thank you” to our corporate sponsor, Alex Gailas and his wife from A.G. Realty, for supporting the EBBC in this parade.

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The East Bay Banjo Club at the Fourth of July Parade, Orinda, CA, July 4, 2013 from East Bay Banjo Club on Vimeo.

Stoneman Village Playout

June 28, 2013

By: Bud Pearce
Photos and video by: Bob Nelson

What a better time to have an ice cream social than on one of the hottest days of the year! With the temperature in the triple digits outside, the EBBC strummers got the residents of Stoneman Village Senior Center in a patriotic mood by performing a mixture of patriotic tunes and some good old traditional jazz. The residents seemed to enjoy the performance as much as the ice cream! The crowd rose to their feet on the last song, “God Bless America,” ending the performance with rich applause to our final bow.

Gearing up the audience for the approaching 4th of July holiday were EBBC members Guy Black, Tom Brunetti, Betty David, Don Granberg, Karen Hefter, Garry Kerr, Mickie McDonald, Phil and Linda Myers, Kit Nelson, Bud Pearce, and Ken Williamson. Bob Nelson assisted with set up and took care of the photography and video.


Yankee Doodle from East Bay Banjo Club on Vimeo.

Quail Lodge Playout

June 16, 2013

By:  Karen Hefter
Photos and audio by:  David Hefter

We had a nice turnout of seniors at the Father’s Day Playout at Quail Lodge, in Antioch, CA.  Betty David was our leader for the playout and she started us out with our five “power songs,” which were:  “Take Me Out To The Ballgame,” “Bill Bailey,” “This Land is Your Land,” “Shantytown,” and “California, Here I Come.”  From there, we played a variety of crowd pleasing songs.  We had a small (but loyal) group of players for this playout, including Guy Black, Jim Blankenship, Betty David, Don Granberg, Karen Hefter, Ardie Jarrett, Garry Kerr, Bob Malucelli, Diane Malucelli, Mickie McDonald, Linda Myers, and Phil Myers.  Don sang his signature song, “Just Because,” and Mickie really came through for us and sang many, many songs.

Click on the song title to hear our performance of “Marching To Pretoria.”
Click on the song title to hear our performance of  “Carolina In The Morning,” featuring Mickie on vocals


Merrill Gardens Vallejo Playout

June 15, 2013

By:  Ardie Jarrett
Photos by:  Bob Nelson

Merrill Gardens always seems to enjoy having us to come and play for them, and this early Father’s Day performance was no exception.  Betty David was our band leader and chose a nice variety of songs that the group enjoyed listening to, singing with, and dancing to.  Some of the songs that we played were, “Take Me Out to The Ball Game,” “This Land Is Your Land,” “California Here I Come,” “Bill Bailey,” and “Shanty Town.”  Our singers were:  Kit Nelson, Bud Pearce, Mickie McDonald, Don Granberg, and Chris Lardge.  Other members in our band were:  Guy Black, Tom Brunetti, Karen Hefter, Garry Kerr, Phil and Linda Myers, and Ardie JarrettBob Nelson was our support member and took pictures throughout the afternoon.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and have a good time and one couple danced to several songs!

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Montecito Senior Living Playout

May 27, 2013

By:  Karen Hefter
Photos by:  Bob Nelson

Fourteen members of the East Bay Banjo club performed for a festive Memorial Day luncheon at Montecito Senior Living in Concord, CA.  We played in a beautiful courtyard and the audience sat at tables that were decorated festively in red, white, and blue for the occasion.  The only problem was…rain!  This is NOT a normal occurrence on Memorial Day weekend in the Bay Area.

However, the performers and the audience were not turned off by a little drizzle and we went on with the show.  Betty led the group in an All-American program for the occasion. Many patriotic songs and songs that are part of Americana were performed for the appreciative audience by performers with slightly numb fingers.   East Bay Banjo Club performers for this playout were:  Guy Black, Tom Brunetti, Betty David, Don Granberg, Karen Hefter, Terry Horner, Bob Malucelli, Diane Malucelli, Mickie McDonald, Linda Myers, Phil Myers, Kit Nelson, Bud Pearce, and Sheila Welt.  Loyal club member, Treasurer, and photographer Bob Nelson was in the audience.  Extra thanks goes to the set up and take down crew whose job was made more challenging than usual by the rain.

Montecity Senior Living PlayoutMontecito Senior Living Playout

Walnut Creek Senior Center Playout

May 24, 2013

By:  Karen Hefter
Photos by:  Bob Nelson

It was a gorgeous day in Walnut Creek and it was perfectly suited for a fabulous playout at the Walnut Creek Senior Center monthly luncheon.  A big thanks goes to our set up crew, who arrived an hour and a half early to set up.   We all joined the seniors for a luncheon of soup, hot dogs, and sides before our performance.

Jack Convery was our leader for the performance and he started off the show with the “Marines Hymn,” since the performance kicked off Memorial Day weekend.  We played several other patriotic songs, which roused the 65+ member audience and got their toes tapping.  Jack honored veterans from the various armed services.  Then, Jack went up and down the rows of the band and introduced each player individually and asked them to select a song for us to play.  We ended up with a great variety of songs this way and the audience was very appreciative.  They sang along from time to time and there were reports of a woman in a wheelchair dancing on the side.

We had a nice turnout of players for this show, including:  Guy Black, Tom Brunetti, Jack Convery, Bill Dowling, Don Granberg, Karen Hefter, Terry Horner, Ardie Jarrett, Chris Lardge, Bob Malucelli, Diane Malucelli, Mickey McDonald, Herb Moore, Linda Myers, Phil Myers, Kit Nelson, Bud Pearce, and Sheila Welt.  Terry and Don were featured on their washboards in “Coney Island Washboard,” which was a real crowd pleaser, and Terry even sang!  One of the interesting things about this playout was that it featured so many of our talented singers.  Jack, Terry, Chris, Mickey, Herb, Kit, Bud, and Sheila all sang during the playout.  Loyal club members Jim Abele, Dorothy Cahill, and Bob Nelson were in the audience supporting the performers.

All in all, it was a great playout and it’s hard to tell who had more fun – the band or the audience!

Walnut Creek Senior Center Playout  Herb Singing at the Walnut Creek Senior Center PlayoutBill and Ardie at the Walnut Creek Senior Center Playout

Delta Hawaii Memorial Park Playout

May 11, 2013

By: Don Granberg
Photos by:  Linda Myers

We got started a little late, but we started out by playing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” and “Bill Bailey” to a crowd of 100 to 150 people. We played from 7:40 to 9:10 pm to the enthusiastic crowd. We had dancers from the crowd enjoying themselves doing waltzes, the can-can, and slow social dancing.  The crowd clapped to the songs and sang along to many of their favorites. We had 12 members playing out their hearts.  Garry Kerr, Ardie Jarrett, Sheila Welt, Don Granberg, Dina Melamed, Mickie McDonald, Phil Myers, Linda Myers, Bob Malucelli, Diane Malucelli, our leader Betty David, and our dazzling Bass player Guy Black all attended this play out.  Guy was also our main man for set up.  Dina as well as Don entertained with their washboards.

Delta Hawaii Memorial Park PlayoutDiane and Bob at the Delta Hawaii Park Playout

Bill Cooper – In Memoriam

Bill Cooper

August 26, 1950 to April 4, 2013

The Eastbay Banjo Club lost a large part of its heart and soul when we learned of the sudden passing of Bill Cooper, our dedicated Music Director since 1978. Bill’s passion for the banjo and traditional jazz music inspired many, many others to learn and then promote the joys and happiness the banjo brings to the world. He raised the spirits of countless numbers of people while leading the club on stage and during practice. He accepted and encouraged banjo players of all skill levels to practice and perform the music he and the audiences loved. Bill was not only a highly accomplished banjo player, but arranged all the music for the club. His rich collection of arrangements will be played to the delight of audiences for years to come.